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Browse DPF ‘99 Proceedings

Electroweak Interactions
Session 1

Talk # Title Speaker Links
1-01 A measurement of sin2thetaW from NuTeV G.P. Zeller
(Northwestern U.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-02 Measurements of ALR, AL, and Ab from SLD J. Fernandez
(UC Santa Cruz)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-03 Measurements of Z0 to heavy-quark couplings at SLD M. Iwasaki
(U. of Oregon)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-04 Direct measurement of the s-quark Asymmetry H. Staengle
(Colorado State U.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-05 Heavy quark asymmetries with DELPHI E. Migliore
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-06 Heavy quark production at the Z F. Martinez-Vidal
(U. of Valencia)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-07 Measurements of Fermion Pair Production at High Energy with the L3 detector S. Muijs
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-08 Study of the production of Z boson pairs at e+e- collisions at LEP with the L3 detector S. Hou
(Nat'l Central U., Taiwan)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-09 Measurement of ZZ cross section with ALEPH C.A. Loomis
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-10 The WW cross section and Triple Gauge Couplings at OPAL H. Voss
(U. of Bonn)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-11 Measurements of the W Boson Properties with the L3 detector A. Button
(U. of Michigan)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-12 The measurement of the W Boson mass at LEP D.A. Glenzinski
(U. of Chicago)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-13 Recent results from the Tevatron on W physics K. Gounder
(UC Riverside)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-14 Search for the Higgs boson at LEP T. Greening
(U. of Wisconsin)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-15 Standard Model Higgs and Top measurements at the Tevatron W. Yao
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-16 Exploiting h->W*W* decays at the upgraded Tevatron R-J Zhang
(U. of Wisconsin)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-17 Searching for VV->H->tau tau at the LHC D.L. Rainwater
(U. Wisconsin)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-18 Measuring the Higgs Yukawa Coupling at an NLC S. Dawson
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-19 High Q^2 NC&CC DIS cross sections from ZEUS C.M. Ginsburg
(Ohio State U.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-20 The Muon g-2 Experiment at Brookhaven O. Rind
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-21 Measurement of R Between 2-5 GeV D. Kong
(U. of Hawaii)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-22 An improved determination of the Fermi Coupling Constant, G_F R. Stuart
(U. of Michigan)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-23 The global electroweak fit in the Standard Model R. Clare
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-24 Electroweak fits within the MSSM D. Pierce
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
1-25 Toward resolution of Proton Spin Crisis Fan Wang
(Nanjing University)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]


Neutrino Masses and Oscillations
Session 2

Talk # Title Speaker Links
2-01 Determination of the nu-tau mass from LEP Fabio Cerutti
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-02 Limits on the Mass of the Tau Neutrino from CLEO John Urheim
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-03 Solar Neutrinos with SuperK Michael Smy
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-04 Status of SNO Colin Okada
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]

Status of solar neutrino oscillation analyses

Plamen Krastev
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-06 Atmospheric Neutrinos at Super-Kamiokande Mark Messier
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-07 Neutrino-Induced Upgoing muons in Super-Kamiokande Alec Habig
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-08 Atmospheric neutrino results in Soudan 2 Maury Goodman
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-09 Neutino-Induced Upgoing muons at MACRO Nat Longley
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-10 Measurement of the neutrino-induced Semi-contained events in MACRO Bob Nolty
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-11 Chooz/Kamland Byron Dieterle
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-12 Supernova constraints on Neutrino Mass Yong-Zhong Qian
(Los Alamos)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-13 Neutrino Oscillations in SUSY GUT's Stuart Raby
(Ohio State)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-14 Active-Sterile Neutrino Mixing in the Early Universe and Primordial Nucleosynthesis Kevork Abazajian
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-15 The Quantum Mechanics of Neutrino Oscillations Michael Nauenberg
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-16 Evidence for neutrino oscillations from LSND Eric Church
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-17 Mini-Boone Andrew Bazarko
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-18 Results from Chorus and Nomad Dieter Frekers
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-19 Searches for Neutrino Oscillations at NuTeV Deborah A. Harris
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-20 High Statistics Search for nu_e oscillations Alexandru Romosan
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-21 Status of the MINOS experiment Jeff Nelson
(U. of Minnesota)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
2-22 Proposed long-baseline experiments Gianrossano Giannini
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]


Heavy Flavor Physics
Session 3

Talk # Title Speaker Links
3-01 b-hadron lifetimes and oscillations (LEP/SLD/CDF) Duccio Abbaneo
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-02 Results on Heavy Flavours from OPAL Thomas Junk
(Carleton U.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-03 Recent results on Heavy Flavours with L3 Vuko Brigljevic
(ETH Zurich)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-04 Recent B Physics Results from CDF and DO Stephen Pappas
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-05 Recent results on Heavy Flavours with ALEPH Fabrizio Palla
(INFN Pisa)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-06 Rescattering Effects in B Decays Alexey Petrov
(John Hopkins)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-07 Charmless Hadronic Two-body B Decays Hai-Yang Cheng
(Academia Sinica)

[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]

3-08 Rare B Decays at CLEO (PV, sgamma, sll,..) Yongsheng Gao
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-09 Theoretical Developments in Inclusive B Decays Zoltan Ligeti
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-10 PQCD Analysis of Exclusive B Meson Decays Hsiang-Nan Li
(Nat'l Cheng-Kung U.)

[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]

3-11 New results from semileptonic b,c decays from Delphi Martino Margoni
(U. Padova)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-12 Probing CKM via Semileptonic B decays at the Upsilon(4S) Kay Kinoshita
(U. Cincinnati)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-13 B decay studies at SLD Mark Convery
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-14 Form Factor Relations in the Quark Model Joao Soares
(U. Massachusetts)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-15 Status of Lattice Calculations of Heavy Quark Phenomenology Sinead Ryan
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-16 Charm Spectroscopy Michael Zoeller
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-17 Top Quark Physics Potential with ATLAS at the LHC John Parsons
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-18 Charm Lifetime Measurements from CLEO Soeren Prell
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-19 Charmed Baryon Decays from SELEX
Charm Hadroproduction from SELEX
Soon Yung Jun
(Carnegie Mellon U.)
Fernanda Garcia
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-20 Recent Results from Fermilab Charm Experiment E791 David Sanders
(U. Mississippi)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-21 Application of QCD Sum Rules to Quarkonia Decay Lai-Him Chan
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-22 Flavor Changing Processes in Quarkonia Decay Alakaba Datta
(U. Toronto)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-23 Results on charm and charmonium from BES Fred Harris
(U. Hawaii)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-24 Top Physics from D0 and CDF Jim Cochran
(Iowa State U. and D0)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-25 Top and Gluons at Lepton Colliders Lynne Orr
(U. Rochester)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
3-26 Top-Charm Associated Production in e+e- Collisions JoAnne Hewett
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]


Weak Decays and CP Violation
Session 4

Talk # Title Speaker Links
4-01 The Rare Kaon Decay $K^+\rightarrow\pi^+\nu\bar{\nu}$ Milind Diwan
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-02 Recent Results from BNL E871 Roy Lee
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-03 Results on Some Rare Kaon Decays from BNL E865 D. Kraus
(U. of Pittsburgh)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-04 Study of the Decays $K_L\rightarrow\pi^+\pi-\gamma$ and $K_L\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^-e^-$ at KTeV John Belz
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-05 KTeV Results on the Decays $K_L\to\pi^0\gamma\gamma$ and $K_L\to\pi^0 e^+ e^-\gamma$ Sydney Taegar
(U. of Arizona)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-06 Rare Decays of $K_L and $\pi^0$ to Leptons Amitabh Lath
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-07 Scalar and Tensor Couplings in Kaon Decays Richard Tesarek
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-08 Branching Ratio and Form Factor Measurements of Cascade beta Decay Ashkan Alavi-Harati
(U. of Wisconsin)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-09 CP Violation in Non-Leptonic $\Omega^-$ Decays Jusak Tandean
(Iowa State)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-10 Measurements of Electroweak Couplings of the Tau Lepton at L3 Tom Paul
(Northeastern U.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-11 CP Violation in a 2-Higgs Doublet Model for the Top Guo-Hong Wu
(Purdue U.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-13 BES Results on Inclusive D Meson Decays Xinchou Lou
(U. of Texas)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-14 CP Violation in Charm Decays Alexey Petrov
(John Hopkins)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-15 Measurements of the {\it CP}-Violation Parameter $\sin(2\beta)$ in $B^0\rightarrow J/\psi\,K_S^0$ Decays Jonathan Lewis
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-16 A Search for CP(T) Violation using Reconstructed Secondary Vertices Robin Coxe
(U. of Chicago)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-17 General Analysis of $B$ Decays to Two Psuedoscalars for EWP, Rescattering and Color Suppression Effects David Atwood
(Iowa State)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-18 Isospin Violation in $B\to\pi\pi$ Decays Susan Gardner
(U. of Kentucky)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-19 Recent CLEO Results on D-mixing and DCSD Jeff Gronberg
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]

B Decays to CP Eigenstates with Charm

Sacha Kopp
(Syracuse U.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-21 Penguins, Trees, and CP violation in B Decays Frank Wuerthwein
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
4-22 West Indies or Antartica: Direct CP Violation in B Decays George Hou
(BNL, Nat'l Taiwan U.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]


Perturbative QCD
Session 5

Talk # Title Speaker Links
5-01 Structure Functions, the Gluon Density, and PQCD Tests Richard Cross
(Univ of Wisconsin)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-02 Global Analysis of Parton Distribution Functions Wu-Ki Tung
(Michigan State)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-03 A Non-Local OPE for Hard QCD processes in the Elastic Limit Michael Sotiropoulos
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-04 Diffractive Results from the Tevatron Gilvan Alves
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-05 Hard Diffraction of Small-Size Hadronic States Francesco Hautmann
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-06 Status of the BFKL Resummation Program Carl Schmidt
(Michigan State)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-07 Influence of Parton $k_T$ on High $p_T$ Particle Production Michael Begel
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-08 Improved Measurement of the b Quark Fragmentation Function Danning Dong
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-09 Tests of Perturbative QCD using W+Jets Events in 1.8 TeV $p\bar{p}$ Collisions Dan Cronin-Hennessy
(Duke U.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]

Triple Differential Dijet Cross Sections at the Tevatron

Mrinmoy Bhattacharjee
(New York State Univ.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-11 The Dijet Mass Cross Section at the Tevatron Jay Hauser
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-12 Internal jet ET flow at full NLO QCD Dieter Zeppenfeld
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-13 Inclusive Jet Production at Center-of-Mass Energies of 630 GeV and 1800 GeV at the Tevatron John Krane
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-14 NLO Three-Jet Production at Hadron Colliders Bill Kilgore
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-15 Comparing Gluon to Quark Jets with DELPHI Oliver Klapp
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-16 Probability for Gluon Splitting into b bbar Toshinori Abe
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-17 Amplitudes for Higgs Bosons plus Four Partons Russel Kauffman
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-18 Spin Structure Functions g_1 and g_2 for the Proton and Deuteron Greg Mitchell
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
5-19 Recent QCD results from LEP and LEP2 Bill Gary
(UC Riverside)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]


Non Perturbative QCD
Session 6

Talk # Title Speaker Links
6-01 Glueball Masses from Supergravity John Terning
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
6-02 Center Vortex Confinement John Cornwall
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
6-03 CP-PACS results for quenched light hadron spectrum and two-flavor full QCD Yoshinobu Kuramashi
(Washington U.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
6-04 Light hadron spectrum and heavy-light decay constants from the MILC collaboration Steven Gottlieb
(Indiana U.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
6-05 (Semi) Leptonic Decays of D and B Mesons James Simone
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
6-06 Summary of recent OPAL measurements in the non-perturbative QCD domain Giorgio Giacomelli
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
6-07 Lambda (1520) production in Z decays; Inclusive rho^0, f_0(980), f_2(1270), K^(*0)_2(1430) and f^'_2(1525) Production in Z decays Emile Schyns
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
6-08 Rapidity-rank structure of p-pbar pairs in hadronic Z decays Jerry Lamsa
(Iowa State)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
6-09 QCD with domain wall quarks Thomas Blum
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
6-10 Dynamical lattice QCD thermodynamics and the U(1) axial anomaly with domain wall fermions Pavlos Vranas
(U. of Illinois)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
6-11 Lattice calculation of matrix elements relevant for Delta I=1\2 rule and epsilon-prime Dmitry Pekurovsky
(Ohio State)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
6-12 | Delta I | =3/2 decays of hyperons in chiral perturbation theory Jusak Tandean
(Iowa State)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]


Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Session 7

Talk # Title Speaker Links
7-01 Implications of Precision Electroweak Measurements for Physics Beyond the Standard Model Jens Erler
(U. of Pennsylvania)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-02 The status of MSSM Higgs Boson Searches at LEP Andy Hocker
(U. of Chicago)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-03 Higgs Prospects at the Upgraded Tevatron: Fermilab Study Results John Hobbs
(Suny at Stony Brook)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-04 Higgs Compositeness from Top Dynamics Bogdan Dobrescu
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-05 Search for Scalar Top Christopher Holck
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-06 Search for Charginos and Neutralinos at LEP Ia Iashvili
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-07 Feasibility Study of a Search for Chargino-Neutralino Production at CDF Using Like-Sign Dileptons Matthew Worcester
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-08 Understanding the Supersymmetry Soft-Breaking Lagrangian Gordon Kane
(U. of Michigan)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-09 SUSY Searches at D0 David Hedin
(Northern Illinois U.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-10 Single Sector SUSY Breaking John Terning
(UC Berkeley)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-11 Phenomenology of Theories with Submillimeter Dimensions and TeV Scale Quantum Gravity Nima Arkani-Hamed
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-12 Search for GMSB at sqrt(s) = 189 GeV at LEP Gary Taylor
(UC Santa Cruz)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-13 Search for Long-Lived Charged Massive Particles at CDF Amy Connolly
(UC Berkeley)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-14 (S) neutrinos in R-Parity Violating SUSY Yuval Grossman
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-15 LEP Results on SUSY: Sfermions and R-Parity Violation Mikael Berggren
(LAL Orsay)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-16 Closing the Light Gluino Window Amitabh Lath
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-17 New Physics in CP Violating B Decays Mihir Worah
(UC Berkeley)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-18 Second Generation Leptoquark Searches Dan Karmgard
(Florida State)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-19 Results on Proton Decay Searches from SuperKamiokande Brett Viren
(SUNY at Stony Brook)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
7-20 Fermion masses, neutrino oscillations, and proton decay in the light of SuperKamiokande Kaladi Babu
(Oklahoma State)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]


Quantum Gravity, Strings, and Duality
Session 8

Talk # Title Speaker Links
8-01 Ads_2 and AdS Fragmentation Juan Maldacena
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-02 AdS/CFT: Phase Transitions in the Microcanonical Ensemble Simon Ross
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-03 Black holes and Causality in AdS/CFT Nissan Itzhaki
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-04 Type IIA D-Branes, K-Theory, and Matrix Theory Petr Horava
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-05 String Theory, Matrix Model, and Noncommutative Geometry Farhad Ardalan
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-06 Operator Spectrum of the Six-dimensional (1,0) Theory Eric Gimon
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-07 SUSY in the Lightlike Limit Simeon Hellerman
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-08 Glueball mass spectrum from supergravity Csaba Csaki
(UC Berkeley)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-09 AdS/CFT and QCD Aki Hashimoto
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-10 Heterotic String/F-theory Duality from Mirror Symmetry Per Berglund
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-11 Wormholes and flux tubes in KK theory Douglas Singleton
(CSU Fresno)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-12 Correlation Functions in AdS/CFT Eric D'Hoker
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-13 Bonus Symmetries of N=4 via AdS Duality Ken Intriligator
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-14 Kinematics of AdS_5/CFT_4 Duality George Minic
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
8-15 S-Matrices from AdS Space Joe Polchinski
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]


Cosmology and Dark Matter
Session 9

Talk # Title Speaker Links
9-01 Direct Detection of WIMP Dark Matter Rick Gaitskell
(UC Berkeley)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
9-02 Zeplin II xenon Detector for WIMPs Search Hanguo Wang
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
9-03 The Large Scale U.S. Dark Matter Axion Search Darin Kinion
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
9-04 SUSY Q-balls as Dark Matter Alexander Kusenko
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
9-05 Indirect Detection of Neuralino Dark Matter Eva Dalberg
(Stockholm University)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
9-06 Indirect Search for Neuralino DM with MACRO Douglas Michael
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
9-07 Microlensing Results and Dark Matter Kim Griest
(UC San Diego)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
9-08 Inflationary Cosmology Ewan Stewart
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
9-09 Update on Open Universes Joanne Cohn
(Univ. of Illinois)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
9-10 The Cosmic Microwave Background Martin White
(Univ. of Illinois)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
9-11 Large-Scale Structure and Cosmology Jeffrey Willick
(Stanford University)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
9-12 Quintessence and the Rest of the World Sean Carroll
(UC Santa Barbara)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
9-13 Measuring Cosmology with Type Ia Supernovae Robert Knop
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]


High Energy Astrophysics
Session 10

Talk # Title Speaker Links
10-02 Prediction and Detection of Ultra High Energy Neutrino Bursts Mou Roy
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
10-03 Current Status of VHE Astronomy Gus Sinnis
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
10-04 Extragalactic Absorption of High Energy Gamma-Rays F.W. Stecker
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
10-05 Future Prospects for Cherenkov Astronomy Michael A. Cantanese
(Iowa St)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
10-06 The Physics and Status of the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope Mission Robert Johnson
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
10-07 Search for Astrophysical Sources with MACRO Douglas Michael
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
10-08 Origin of Galactic Cosmic-Ray Electrons Glenn Allen
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
10-09 Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays: Status and Future Pierre Sokolsky
(U. of Utah)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
10-10 Cosmic background neutrinos and their detection Chris Hagmann
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
10-11 What are sterile neutrinos good for? Mitesh Patel
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
10-12 Explanations of pulsar motions Alexander Kusenko
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
10-13 High-Energy Neutrino Astrophysics Wolfgang Rhode
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]


Advanced Accelerator Techniques
Session 11

Talk # Title Speaker Links
11-01 Two Beam Accelerators Ron Ruth
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
11-02 Plasma Accelerators Chan Joshi
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
11-03 Plasma Lens Experiment at SLAC and its Implication to High Energy Physics Pisin Chen
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
11-04 Muon Cooling Experiment Norbert Holtkamp
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
11-05 Magnets for the VLHC Peter Wanderer
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]


Novel Detector Developments
Session 12

Talk # Title Speaker Links
12-01 First Results for 3D Silicon Detectore Chris Kenney
(U. of Hawaii)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
12-02 Atlas Pixel Project John Richardson
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
12-03 Triggering BteV Erik Gottschalk
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
12-04 Online Tracker Processor for the CDF upgrade Brian Winer
(Ohio State Univ.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
12-05 CVD Diamond Detectors Harris Kagan
(Ohio State Univ.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
12-06 Crystal Calorimetry Ren-yuan Zhu
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
12-07 Cleo III Rich Detector Jianchun Wang
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
12-08 Ultra-High Resolution Multi-Hit TDC Oleg Mukhanov
(Hypres, Inc.)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
12-09 Mixed signal ASIC for D0 Sudhindra Mani
(UC Davis)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
12-10 Extruded Plastic Scintillation Detectors Anna Pla-Dalmau
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
12-11 MSGC tracker for CMS Jean-Marie Brom
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
12-12 Straw Tube Chamber with Pad Readout Changguo Lu
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]

Particle Identification with Belle

Asish Satpathy
(U. of Cincinnati)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]

Future Accelerator Projects
Session 13

Talk # Title Speaker Links
13-03 Future Accelerators D. Burke
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
13-04 Very Large Hardon Collider B. Foster
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
13-06 Physics Opportunities at a Muon Collider K. McDonald
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]


Session 14 - Plenary Sessions

Talk # Title Speaker Links
14-01 Status of Electroweak Physics William Marciano
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
14-02 Recent Progress in QCD George Sterman
(SUNY Stony Brook)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
14-03 New Facilities: B Factories at the Threshold Jonathan Dorfan
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
14-04 New Facilities: Physics at the Main Injector Hugh Montgomery
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
14-05 Perspectives on Future Accelerators Claudio Pellegrini
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
14-06 High Energy Astrophysics Trevor Weekes
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
14-07 Heavy Flavor Physics J. Ritchie Patterson
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
14-08 CP Violations and Rare Decays Edward Blucher
(University of Chicago)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
14-09 Physics Beyond the Standard Model Michael Dine
(UC Santa Cruz)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
14-10 Strings, Branes and Beyond Cumrun Vafa
(Harvard University)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
14-12 LIGO - Searching for Gravitational Waves Barry Barish
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
14-13 Neutrino Physics Gary Feldman
(Harvard University)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]
14-15 Summary and Outlook David Gross
(UC Santa Barbara)
[Abstract], [Latex] [PS], [PDF]

Proceedings of this conference are published on the World Wide Web by the Library of the University of California at Los Angeles. Although the proceedings are published solely on the Web, identical editorial standards have been applied as for book versions of proceedings.

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